Those Crazy Dreams

February 16, 2009

” . . . dream(s) show the inner truth and reality of (someone) as it really is: not as (we) conjecture it to be, and not as (we) would like it to be, but as it is.

-C.G. Jung

Dreams can be a very real path to self-discovery and healing, although they can be very difficult to interpret.  Training yourself to go to sleep and wake “consciously”, meaning, setting the intention to remember those wild adventures and then writing them down once you wake, is one of the best ways to begin. Dreams are like a hidden doorway into the most secret recesses of the psyche (“psyche” means “soul” in Greek). At first, you notice seemingly unrelated, silly or bizarre images and situations that are strung together for an instant or what sometimes seems like an eternity.  After awhile though, you start to recognize patterns or familiar feelings, some of which you have in your waking day. It takes a long time to string all this together but if your dreams are vivid, colorful and full of emotion, or if you wake up disturbed, anxious and just not quite feeling right, it’s worth a try. At some point find help with the interpretation, but for now, just begin the process of writing down as much as you remember. You’ll discover your dreams become something you actually look forward to – what will “they” show me tonight!

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